From the subsonic submersible compositions of cetaceans to chiropteras’ hypersonic illuminations the fascinating sounds of terrestrial lifeforms are boundless. The acoustic paradox of this simple complexity is the locus of 658 Mother Mutant whose zoological songbook is rendered in pure, ultra-harmonic analog signal structures at up to 20 volts point to point:
- Blast or Mute Parameters & Gate with 6-Key & Mode-Switch Array
- 7 CV Inputs, 6 Controlled by Keys including Output Gate
- All Analog Ultra-Harmonic Signal Circuitry
- Audio Input with Pre-Amp, Amplitude Knob & Level Light for FX Mode
- Dedicated Gate Output Button with Preset Mode
- 16 Internal Patches & 2 Freq. Ranges per Oscillator
- Cast Aluminum Chassis for Tough Operating Conditions
- Also available for Rack in 37HP Full-Format Modular Configuration
Its place in The Crimson Array of Subhuman Blunt-Force Electronics is that of profound aggression coupled with unearthly insect song vocalization.
Everything we’ve learned from decades of analog artifact exploration is brought to bear on the “matriarch of MiniSynths”.
An evolutionary mutation of interface advances builds upon the Trog’ MiniSynth button array with Mode Switches enabling Buttons to attack as well as mute. Key combinations quickly conjure & transform an electronic wilderness teaming with fractal lifeforms or command & control incoming CV signals staccatto from your patch-pirate rat’s nest. Remote CV control / automation of built-in Output Signal Gate is a first for the Trogotronic MiniSynth line.
Just to the fore of the Buttons are two large knobs: Volume & Drive, which combined with the keys promote abundant expression. Therein amplitude is faded out or hot audio magma oozed in with a twist, while the main signal groups are chopped & modified with the slightest gesture put to perfectly finger-weighted keys.
The Mother’s Input Circuit features further mitochondrial mutation with a dedicated Pre-Amp & Input Amplitude Knob. This way the Input Signal becomes integrated as another parameter of real-time interaction with the Synth’s Voices when 658 is used as FX.
16 different Generator Patches + Two Range settings for each Oscillator survey a vast panorama of fluorescent sonic possibilities from the top “Toggle Bank”.
The maternal mayhem of Mother Mutant’s Mephistophelian manifesto is guaranteed to provoke SEVERE kabuki mie in the bootlicking bottoms of the processed food-chain.
Video Demonstrations with reverb:

- Cast Aluminum Chassis 7.5″ x 4.75″ x 2″
- Worldwide Power Supply Included
All Trogotronic instruments come complete with pretty much everything needed to “plug & play”. Still, herein are replacement parts should ever something go missing (plus a few extra options should ever such a fancy strike).