Being of humble subhuman heritage there remains an aspect of joining the modular knob-mob that bugs us: the exorbitant cost of entry due before even the first bit is added to the system. Worse, in spite of the considerable costs, many of the available set-ups are a compromise: wherein there’s little or even no power capacity whatsoever or the mere offering of +5v tap is an optional luxury; wherein fragile / easily damaged enclosures or table top tinker toys are touted as options; wherein infuriating substandard mounting systems are the norm rather than the exception. After testing many of these half-assed ideas we decided that every part used in Collier Series Euro-Modular Cases should be formidably robust & user friendly—even when this meant that some parts chew into our net. The m/168 Collier Case’s ultra-powerful, worldwide-compatible 10,000 mA Power System coupled with the best rack hardware available on the planet enclosed in a nearly indestructible case is born a turnkey classic of road-defying durability & outstanding value. And now its available in the original splash-proof base model m/168 & a new version m/168s with power inlet with switch plus removable cord.
m/168 Collier Case Original Model
- Rugged Splashproof Brief-Case
- 2 Rows of 84hp = 168hp Capacity
- Twin-Pin Removable Case-Lid w/Finger Pulls
- PREMIUM Swiss Rails = No Half-Assed Loose-Nut Comedies
- 10 Amp (10,000mA) Power System INCLUDED
- Power Boards Accommodate Up To 30 Modules w/+12v, +5v & -12v
- Triple Voltage Status Lamps for Power Board (+12v/+5v-12v)
- Power System Works ANYWHERE ON EARTH
- STANDARD Power System Supplies = Quick/Easy User Service
- Plenty of Stainless Module Mounting Screws INCLUDED
m/168s Collier Case
- Rugged Brief-Case
- AC Power Inlet with Power Switch & Removable Cord
- 2 Rows of 84hp = 168hp Capacity
- Twin-Pin Removable Case-Lid w/Finger Pulls
- PREMIUM Swiss Rails = No Half-Assed Loose-Nut Comedies
- 10 Amp (10,000mA) Power System INCLUDED
- Power Boards Accommodate Up To 30 Modules w/+12v, +5v & -12v
- Triple Voltage Status Lamps for Power Board (+12v/+5v-12v)
- Power System Works ANYWHERE ON EARTH
- STANDARD Power System Supplies = Quick/Easy User Service
- Plenty of Stainless Module Mounting Screws INCLUDED
The Collier Case is built for road warriors:
Hit it with a hammer or throw it at a wall—you’re good. And the Original version is splash-proof; while we don’t condone leaving it in the rain or taking it scuba diving chances are o-ring sealed lid, pressure relief thumbscrew & stainless fasteners WILL will protect your gear when some asshole spills a drink on it at a gig.
The included Trogotronic Power System does NOT have bullshit bells & whistles advertising copy dab-dreamed-up to justify the price—our marketing is simple: offer the cleanest, most powerful Triple DC Voltage system available using standard off-the-shelf power supplies rather than Don Draper hype. Since one can’t believe everything printed on the side of a Chinese box ALL of our supplies are TESTED UNDER FULL LOAD for any voltage drop & may be user replaced in minutes should anything ever go wrong years down the road when the equipment is out of warranty. Lastly to finish the theme of overabundance with consistency we offer all Collier Case models at prices that deliver an extraordinary value.

- Euro-Format
- 168HP/6RU
- Voltages Provided +12v/+5v/-12v
- 30 Euro Power Outlets
- Capacity 10A/10,000mA
- Worldwide Mains-Voltage Compatibile
- Heavy-Duty Road Case w/ User Detachable Lid
- Dimensions 18 1/4″ x 14 1/4″ x 6 3/4″ (36cm x 46cm x 18cm)
- Module Depth/Clearance 143hp @ 3 1/4″ (83mm), 25hp @ 2.5″ (64mm)
- Lid Clearance w/Included Foam Panel 3/4” (20mm) w/o Foam Panel 2 3/8” (60mm)
- Mounting System: 3mm Tapped Strip in Premium Swiss Quad-Fastened Extrusions
List of Included Parts m/168 Collier Case Original Model
- m/168 Collier Case
- 10A Power System
- 75+ Module Mounting Screws
- Printed Instruction Sheet
- Warranty Card
- Marque Decal
- Subhuman Slogan Bumper Sticker
- 1 Screwdriver
- Removable Power Cord = NO
- Power Switch = NO
- Splashproof = YES
List of Included Parts m/168s Collier Case
- m/168s Collier Case
- Red AC Cord (Euro/OZ/UK = Black)
- 10A Power System
- 75+ Module Mounting Screws
- Printed Instruction Sheet
- Warranty Card
- Marque Decal
- Subhuman Slogan Bumper Sticker
- 1 Screwdriver
- Removable Power Cord = YES
- Power Switch = YES
- Splashproof = NO
All Trogotronic cases come complete with pretty much everything needed to “plug & play”. Still, herein are mounting hardware & replacement supplies should ever something go missing or bad.