The Trogotronic Subhumans have hand-built unorthodox audio instruments for more than three decades. As musicians on a tight budget we made-up for light wallets by building instruments with readily available materials. In time we saw that our humble hand-made analog gear played more intuitively & sounded more “alive” than much of the dumbed down “mass produced stuff”. Also, our instruments were repairable—built simply to last a lifetime—rather than designed to be mass produced / minimizing costs / maximizing profits & “impossiblizing” a fix when something inevitably breaks. After years of interest from fellow gutter-club troubadours our humble enterprise was born.
Since we are musicians / sound designers / audio engineers first & electronic-technicians second, we approach audio “synthesis” hardware with a healthy dose of pragmatism. Thereby Trogotronic instruments offer a holistic approach to electronic audio gear distinct from the dominant 1960’s synth hegemony.
The modular synths of the 60’s were born of an electronic engineering perspective applied to music-making. This explains the non-musical scientific nomenclature which adorns modern synths to this day. Built more or less like a specialized series of benchtop engineering test units, the traditional synth is certainly excellent for extreme sterile control of signal paths. But its default predominance is not the only—let alone not the best—means of extreme electronic audio exploration. Put another way: it may be difficult to “throw a gutter-ball” on the traditional factory-made gear, true enough. But the really astonishing organic analog audio is carefully engineered beyond the reach of their controls.
Trogotronic instruments provide a unified electronic system purpose-built to navigate transcendent audio singularities otherwise known as “chaos”, “turbulence” & “fractal” phenomena. These are the signals that analog electronics naturally excel at; the most complex, compelling sounds that electronic audio instruments offer.
Our Low Voltage Solid-State Analog circuitry forge this sonic phenomena with frigid violence while our High Voltage Vacuum Tube units illuminate these domains with spectral harmonics that render horrifying signals with eloquent beauty. Our instruments offer intuitive, visceral, direct interaction with profound living / breathing higher-order analog audio events via dead simple controls & photo-feedback lamp arrays.
Webshop Fulfillment Policies
- Refunds = ALL Trogotronic sales are final. That said, should ANYTHING be amiss with your order please contact us straight away & we will endeavor to make it right with repair or replacement ASAP. We maintain an outstanding reputation for excellent service without the insult of big-shop offshored corporo-fascist phonetree f!%kery.
- Delivery = ALL Trogotronic gear is sold EXW & shipped from USA to most of the world via USPS, FedEx or UPS. Most orders ship between 24-72 hours during weekdays except Valkyrie which is built to order & ships between 4-8 weeks from the time the order was placed. Occasionally, when indicated by the bothersome webstore “Notice”-banner (which must be “clicked through” to purchase).
- here are some times when demand exceeds our scheduled capacity. Obviously during these periods turn-time runs longer as indicated in the Store Notice.
- Returns = ALL Trogotronic instruments may be returned for repair or replacement under warranty for a minimum of one year upon our affirmative assessment via service call. Contact us for expedited service.
- Warranty = ALL Trogotronic instruments are covered by a warranty for a minimum of 1 year against defects in workmanship & materials.
Support / Service
Trogotronic is renown for our direct personal support via email, sms, a-social media messaging & telephone callback WORLDWIDE. Direct support from the very artisans who built your instrument well beyond the warranty period on your end or sane business hours on ours. Should an instrument require return for evaluation Diagnostic Service is free of charge & repairs service out of warranty is made at a reasonable rates. Contact us for expedited service.
Contact information is only retained upon placing an order or formally inquiring via direct communication. We wouldn’t share information about our patrons with our own subhuman mothers—let alone sell it to corpofascist overlords / police state. We ONLY use this information to fulfill your order, offer support & maybe deliver an extremely rare promotional email once or twice a decade. So—chances are you will never hear from us (or anyone else) unless you require service. Lucky you.
The last thing you want is a bunch of analog luddites handling any of your digital treasure which explains why we leave all payments to be conducted between you & our PCI Level 1 Payment Service Provider directly which the marketing department therein characterizes as conducting themselves at “the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry”. Regardless all card numbers therein bypass our humble “HTTPS” server altogether for what that’s worth & for what it’s worth we can assure you that’s a good thing.